Samawi Hotel
Cra. 1 #21, San Andrés, San Andrés 880001 Colombia
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$ 551.440 promedio por noche, del 16/2 al 17/2
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N.º 54 de 60 hoteles en San Andrés
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Cra. 1 #21, San Andrés, San Andrés 880001 Colombia
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We went here because we needed to extend our stay and the nearby Aquamare was sold out (great hotel by the way).
Check I was at 3 but our room wasn’t ready. We left the bags with the reception desk and went to eat. Came back at 4:30 and the room still wasn’t ready so we asked for our bags while we waited and that’s when they asked for the claim ticket. We told them that they had not given us one and they said that it was impossible because they always did that. The outright told my wife that she was lying. Finally we went to look for the bags and guess what? No tickets were on our bags but not a single apology from them.
When the room was finally ready they handed us the remote for the AC, the tv remote, room key and towel cards. Very sternly they informed us that during check out we had to return the items exactly the same. We asked for a second room key and they said no.
We asked the reception lady to change a bill for us and you’d think that we had asked for a huge favor.
The room was not nice and in disrepair. The hotel is only a few years old and the bathroom door looked like it had been chewed on by rats. Nice balcony is the only nice thing I can say about the room.
The common areas were surprisingly nice. Breakfast was not spectacular but decent. My wife loved the banana cake/bread until she found a hair in it.
Checkout was another way to show their incompetence. Since we had prepaid they said the bill was only for a meal that was charged to the room. When we informed them that we hadn’t ordered anything they said that was impossible because they had the check. We showed them that the signature wasn’t ours and that the name of that signature didn’t match either of our names. That should have been the end of the discussion but the guy said he had to talk to his manager. So instead of apologizing and letting us go on our way we had to wait while they unscrewed their own mistake.
A cab driver told us that this hotel has a horrible reputation for service and that lots of people complain that they get charged for things they didn’t order.
Stay the heck out of this hotel.
Check I was at 3 but our room wasn’t ready. We left the bags with the reception desk and went to eat. Came back at 4:30 and the room still wasn’t ready so we asked for our bags while we waited and that’s when they asked for the claim ticket. We told them that they had not given us one and they said that it was impossible because they always did that. The outright told my wife that she was lying. Finally we went to look for the bags and guess what? No tickets were on our bags but not a single apology from them.
When the room was finally ready they handed us the remote for the AC, the tv remote, room key and towel cards. Very sternly they informed us that during check out we had to return the items exactly the same. We asked for a second room key and they said no.
We asked the reception lady to change a bill for us and you’d think that we had asked for a huge favor.
The room was not nice and in disrepair. The hotel is only a few years old and the bathroom door looked like it had been chewed on by rats. Nice balcony is the only nice thing I can say about the room.
The common areas were surprisingly nice. Breakfast was not spectacular but decent. My wife loved the banana cake/bread until she found a hair in it.
Checkout was another way to show their incompetence. Since we had prepaid they said the bill was only for a meal that was charged to the room. When we informed them that we hadn’t ordered anything they said that was impossible because they had the check. We showed them that the signature wasn’t ours and that the name of that signature didn’t match either of our names. That should have been the end of the discussion but the guy said he had to talk to his manager. So instead of apologizing and letting us go on our way we had to wait while they unscrewed their own mistake.
A cab driver told us that this hotel has a horrible reputation for service and that lots of people complain that they get charged for things they didn’t order.
Stay the heck out of this hotel.
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Fecha de la estadía: enero de 2023Tipo de viaje: Viajé con mi pareja
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$ 547.325 - $ 699.588 (Basado en tarifas promedio para una habitación estándar)
ColombiaDepartamento de San Andrés y ProvidenciaSan AndrésSan Andrés
Los precios representan el precio promedio por noche proporcionado por nuestros socios y pueden no incluir todos los impuestos y cargos. Los impuestos y cargos que se muestran son solo aproximados. Consulta con nuestros socios para obtener más detalles.
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Solicitar su perfilSAMAWI HOTEL desde $ 547.325 (San Andrés, Colombia) - opiniones y comentarios - hotel - Tripadvisor
Preguntas frecuentes sobre Samawi Hotel
¿Qué atracciones populares están cerca de Samawi Hotel?
Algunas atracciones cercanas son Cayo Bolívar (0,3 km), Playa de Spratt Bight (0,4 km) y Morgan's Head (0,4 km).
¿Qué restaurantes hay cerca de Samawi Hotel?
Algunos restaurantes bien ubicados son La Pizzetta Florio, Restaurante Gourmet Shop y Mister Panino.
¿Hay sitios históricos cerca de Samawi Hotel?
Muchos viajeros disfrutan de visitar Plaza Cañón de Morgan (0,4 km).