Yael Luxury Apartments 3
Yael Luxury Apartments 3
Cumpatu Busteni 5B, Busteni 105500 Rumania
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$ 452.174 promedio por noche, del 21/1 al 22/1
$ 495.652
por noche
$ 452.174
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$ 408.696
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N.º 3 de 5 apartamentos en Busteni
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Cumpatu Busteni 5B, Busteni 105500 Rumania
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Otopeni Intl Airport
100.6 km•
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The apartment was well located and had a beautiful view of the mountains Bucegi, but the terrace was not separated from the one nextdoor, and it gave no privacy. The bed in the bedroom was very comfortable and the bathroom was very nice and well equipped. However, the bed in the living room was very uncomfortable, and it made a terrible noise at the slightest move. There was no closet in the living room, so the 2 people accommodated there had to keep their clothes in the luggage. The apartment was fit for 2 people, not 4! The kitchen was not very well equipped, there were no saucers, no bowls, no coffee maker (since there was no cooker, only a microwave oven), the knives did not cut well. However, the entire apartment was very clean and the garbage was taken daily. The apartment was rather expensive and 2 persons from 4 were not satisfied with it, so I wouldn't recommend it, and I wouldn't go there again.
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Fecha de la estadía: junio de 2023Tipo de viaje: Viajé con amigos
Consejo sobre las habitaciones: Not good for a group larger than 2. The bed in the living room is very uncomfortable.
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
The apartment was very nice and with a very good valu/money ratio. The location is a bit out of reach of Busteni but very close to Sinaia…although transportation is needed. The staff is very friendly and the apartament was very clean and well equiped. You will need some form of transportation to any other place, even for eating, as the location does not provide it, but it is something you take into consideration as the location expressly states that they do not provide eating options.
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Fecha de la estadía: junio de 2022Tipo de viaje: Viajé con familia
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
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$ 443.478 - $ 530.435 (Basado en tarifas promedio para una habitación estándar)
RumaniaRumanía MeridionalPrahova CountyBusteni
Los precios representan el precio promedio por noche proporcionado por nuestros socios y pueden no incluir todos los impuestos y cargos. Los impuestos y cargos que se muestran son solo aproximados. Consulta con nuestros socios para obtener más detalles.
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Solicitar su perfilYAEL LUXURY APARTMENTS 3 desde $ 443.478 (Busteni, Rumania) - opiniones y comentarios - apartamento - Tripadvisor
Preguntas frecuentes sobre Yael Luxury Apartments 3
¿Qué atracciones populares están cerca de Yael Luxury Apartments 3?
Algunas atracciones cercanas son Castillo Peleş (2,7 km), Bucegi Mountains (6,5 km) y Pelișor Castle (2,1 km).
¿Qué restaurantes hay cerca de Yael Luxury Apartments 3?
Algunos restaurantes bien ubicados son Restaurant Imperfect, Restaurant Wood y Bistro La Teleferic.
¿Hay sitios históricos cerca de Yael Luxury Apartments 3?
Muchos viajeros disfrutan de visitar George Enescu Memorial House (1,5 km).